
Other Short-Term Visas

1. Passport or travel document: must be valid for a minimum of 6 months from the intended date of entry and have at least one completely free page left for the visa.

2. A completed application form: all questions must be answered.

3. 1 recent passport style photograph

4. Evidence of your immigration status in the U.S.: (if not a U.S. national) i.e. Alien Registration Card, Advance Parole Document, Employment Authorization Card, valid visa, valid forms IAP66, I-94 / I-20 (signed on the reverse by designated school official). Please provide original documents plus copies.

5. Evidence of funds: credit card and bank statements of the last six months. Please provide original documents plus copies.

6. Hotel reservation in Argentina: either guaranteed by a credit card or paid in full.

7. Itinerary: roundtrip flight ticket.

8. Fee: Transit: US$ 20 (free for Indian nationals). Religious workers: US$ 50. All Other purposes: US$ 100. Fees shall be paid by money order only (make it payable to the “Consulate General of Argentina in New York”). We do not accept cash or checks.

9. Interview: All visa applicants without exception are requested to present themselves in person for an interview with a consular officer.

10. Additional application documents (depending on purpose of the trip):

a- Technicians, artists, athletes, conferencists, visiting professors, and other professionals
Letter of invitation from the host organization or business in Argentina inviting the applicant and confirming the purpose of your trip, duration of the visit, full name, addresses and telephone numbers of all businesses and persons you will contact in Argentina, and whether the host organization or business assumes moral and financial responsibility while you are in Argentina. The letter must be written in Spanish, on organization/company letter-head paper and duly signed by the person in charge. Finally, his/her signature must be notarized, and the notary public's signature certified by the Argentine "Colegio de Escribanos" (No notarization is required to panelists or attendants to seminars or conferences).

The company or agency inviting foreign citizens to Argentina, should indicate in the invitation the registration number of the company or agency in the RENURE or the card number of the legal representative, in order to see if enabled or not by RENURE.

Companies or organizations in Argentina that are not registered at the RENURE must contact the RENURE at the following contact phone: 4317-0200/0303/0263.

b- Journalists, photographers and other representatives of the media
Letter from your employer in the U.S. or a letter of invitation from your business contact in Argentina.

c- Members of a religious order
Letter of invitation from the host church or religious organization in Argentina confirming the nature of activities to be developed (pastoral, community assistance, social/welfare work, teaching, etc.), the full name, address, telephone and fax numbers
of the church or religious organization where such activities shall be performed and the name of the responsible authority. Applicants shall belong to an officially recognized religious order in Argentina and the authority signing the invitation letter must have registered his signature before the Argentine Secretariat of Worship (Secretaría de Culto).

d- Medical treatment
Letter from the clinic in Argentina confirming that you have been admitted for
treatment and the length of time you will need to be in Argentina. The letter must be written in Spanish, on organization letter-head paper, signed by the person in charge, and authenticated by the competent national or state health authority (Ministerio de Salud de la Nacion; Ministerio or Secretaría de salud provincial).

e- Transit to another country
Roundtrip air ticket and visa for the country of your final destination (if required).
All visa applicants are requested to present themselves in person for an interview with a consular officer.
Applicants may be required to provide additional information and documents including the original flight ticket and/or variations in the amount of the processing fee.

Failure to provide any of documents and information requested may delay the processing of your application. You are advised to contact our offices at least thirty (30) days prior to the proposed date of departure to avoid inconveniences.



Updated date: 08/10/2020